Racing on No.494 Racing Supra [9784779635694a]
Racing on No.494 Racing Supra

Selling Price: US$65.00
Weight: 600g
Low stock
Item Description
Racing on 494
Special issue
Racing Supra
70 to 90 Supra
Machine Gallery
ESSO Ultraflo Supra 2002 #6
GT500 Supra Development story
The memories of Supra Battle 1
Yuji Tachikawa interview
Juichi Wakisaka interview
The Rival of Supra
The memories of Supra Battle 2
Supra Drivers
Supra to the world
Le Mans 24H [1995-1996]
The memories of Supra Battle 3
Machine Gallery
Supra HV-R
Manabu Orido talking about JZA80 Supra
New "Racing Supra" Unveil!!
Other issue
Toyota Starlet KP47
LEGEND II Toshio Suzuki
....and more
Item Information
Condition : 13:Excellent
(1:NEW 2:Mint 3:Excellent 4:Good 5:Acceptable 6:Bad)
Special Attributes : soft cover
Language : Japanese
Publication Year : 2018
Page : 140
Size(inch) : 11.7" x 9.3"
Weight(g) : 600g